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News: 2013-07-10, Wednesday

High River Flood Relief Mission

A group of Earthmaster (EM) employees (Patti Janisse, Jamie Short, Chris Chattaway, Parminder Madaan, Leo Rogochevski, Larry Spearing and Tomas Navratil) banded together and volunteered their time to help victims of the flood in High River with recovery efforts.  With the support of EM Management, staff volunteers worked harder than ever answering the call from Pengrowth Energy Corp. to help remove debris, mud and water from houses on July 4th, 5th and 6th.  Volunteers and fellow Earthmaster employees even went above and beyond by donating their wages during that time to the Red Cross.  
Patti says, "Everyone was extremely exhausted, we worked along Pengrowth staff and the guys from Badger, Big Eagle and Trican.  Thanks to Earthmaster for giving us the personnel and the means to work out there!"

Amber Flamand received a call from Pengrowth saying, "… he could not say enough good things about the Earthmaster High River volunteers!  He was really proud that a company that he works with was able to support High River and Pengrowth's efforts to help up that town."

EM volunteers "adopted" a senior couple to help them rebuild over the next little while. The magnitude and effects of the floods in Southern Alberta were enormous and far reaching, but the efforts made by volunteers, like those done by the staff at Earthmaster, will go a long way in helping people to rebuild their lives.

Rob Ordman (ServiceMaster of Calgary, a Division of Ordman Corporation helped out our "adopted" family in High River by sending a crew into their place to clean all the main floor of the house. Although the upstairs was not damaged directly by the flood, the walls, floors, light fixtures, cupboards, etc, all needed to be washed and disinfected due to the pollutants in the house. Rob's crew spent the entire day, all sponsored by ServiceMaster. There were 3 people for 8 hours at $55 per hour for a total of $1320.00.