Watercourse Management

Watercourse services include strategies for the mitigation and management of contaminants in freshwater ecosystems such as rivers, creeks, and wetlands. Earthmaster is specialized in handling water-related regulatory notifications and permit applications at both provincial and federal levels. Our expertise extends to watercourse rehabilitation and restoration, including the removal and replacement of culverts. Moreover, we provide services such as watercourse monitoring, fish monitoring and relocation, and assessments of wetlands.

Expert supervision

During a crossing rehabilitation, Earthmaster supervised the entire project, including planning, safety, construction, and fish habitat restoration.

Effective alternatives

A wetland designed and constructed by Earthmaster was deemed entirely self-sustaining, and provided an opportunity for plants, wildlife, and waterfowl to thrive.


Wetland Construction

Earthmaster was contracted to construct a shallow open water wetland as a cost effected strategy for reclaiming an excavation that had filled with water resulting from remediation activities following a pipeline release. The wetland was constructed in a wooded poor fen area in northern Alberta.

Based on the vegetation assessments the constructed wetland area was deemed to be a fully functional wetland microcosm compatible with the adjacent ecosystem, entirely self-sustaining and providing an opportunity for plants, wildlife, and waterfowl to thrive.

The project secured regulatory compliance, offered cost-saving measures, and addressed stakeholder concerns. Its success influenced future wetland designs in the province.



Construction of wetland area

2,500 cubic meters of soil were removed to create the excavation.

Wetland area with trees in the background

4 different types of vegetation areas were constructed.

Wetland area with tree trunks scattered on the shore

115 assessment plots were used to assess vegetation growth.

Wetland area with snow and trees surrounding the shore

Range of species diversity index values calculated to be 0.57-0.96, indicating a good early successional ecosystem.

Common questions

Our aquatic ecology and environmental management services include storm and municipal waste management, environmental auditing, risk assessment, environmental impact assessments, and strategic planning for environmental management. We also offer expert testimony and have regulatory experience,